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Rather than discarding pumpkins after the fall season or Halloween, consider using leftover pumpkins to create homemade treats and possibly the best food for your sheepadoodles! By choosing not to throw away your pumpkins, you engage in a simple yet impactful act of environmental stewardship, minimizing waste and maximizing the ecological benefits of these seasonal fruits. Pumpkin can be a nutritious addition to your sheepadoodle’s diet, providing fiber and essential nutrients.  They tend to have a sensitive stomach and so it’s important to provide them with the best dog food for your sheepadoodles! I usually limit the ingredients to 3-4 items mixed in to whatever it is that I’m cooking. Here are different ways to prepare pumpkin from scratch for your dogs to eat and providing tasty and healthy meals for them.

Baked Pumpkin Cubes

The pumpkin cubes are used as the basic ingredients in other recipes. You can cook up all your pumpkins and freeze them to be used in a different recipe later.

🧡Preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C).

🧡Peel and cube the pumpkin into bite-sized pieces.

🧡Place the pumpkin cubes on a baking sheet.

🧡Bake until the cubes are tender (about 30-45 minutes).

🧡Allow them to cool before serving.

Pumpkin Mashed/ Puree

🍁Peel and cut the pumpkin into small pieces.

🍁Steam or boil until soft.

🍁Puree the cooked pumpkin in a blender or food processor until smooth.

🍁Allow it to cool before serving.

Pumpkin, Oats, Peanut Butter Pupcakes

The video shows the steps on how to make this super delicious and may be the best food for your sheepadoodles! Try it out 🙂

🍬Mix pureed pumpkin with natural peanut butter (make sure it doesn’t contain xylitol, which is toxic to dogs).

🍬Add oats gradually until you achieve a dough consistency. Add an egg and a big spoonful of chia seeds.

🍬Roll out the dough, cut into shapes, and bake at 375 degrees for 12-15 minutes.

Frozen Pumpkin Treats

🥧Mix pumpkin puree with kefir (Lactose free) whole milk.

🥧Pour the mixture into ice cube trays or silicone molds.

🥧Freeze until solid, creating frozen pumpkin treats.

Pumpkin and Chicken Stew

This is a quick Youtube Short on how to make this stew. VERY simple. I usually cut and cook 2 big pumpkins and freeze the rest.

🥣Cook lean ground chicken.

🥣Add boiled or steamed pumpkin chunks.

🥣Mix any of the ingredients in there for a well-balanced meal: cooked brown rice, quinoa, potatoes, and beans. I usually pick between 3-4 ingredients per stew, so in this case, I’d do chicken, beans, pumpkin, and potatoes.

Remember to introduce new foods gradually into your sheepadoodle’s diet and monitor for any signs of allergies or digestive issues. Everything is moderation is the best way to go. In hand picking and cooking food, you ensure that you’re providing them with the best food for your sheepadoodles. Consult your veterinarian if you have concerns or questions about incorporating pumpkin or any other new food into your dog’s diet. Additionally, always ensure that the pumpkin is plain and doesn’t contain added sugars or spices, as certain seasonings can be harmful to dogs.

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