At 3 weeks old, puppies are still in the early stages of development and they’re growing! Here are some general characteristics and milestones you can expect in a sheepadoodle puppy at this age. These are the list of available sheepadoodle puppies for Fall 2024. ! They are super adorable.

All sheepadoodle puppies in the picture are at 25 days old.
Sensory Development
Sheepadoodle puppies’ eyes and ears are usually open by this time, allowing them to see and hear more clearly. However, their vision and hearing are not fully developed yet. When I come into their area, they immediately come over and play with me. They are much quicker with their recognition.
Sheepadoodle puppies start to show more controlled movements and may attempt to walk or wobble around. While their coordination is still developing, they are becoming more active. They walk around their play area, they fall less at this age and at some point, some of them can even run!

Around 3 weeks, sheepadoodle puppies may start to get their baby teeth. Teething can be uncomfortable for them, and they may begin to chew on objects or their littermates. They will chew on you when you’re playing with them! But it’s just their gums. This is my favorite age!

Sheepadoodle puppies begin to interact more with their littermates and may start to play with each other. This is a crucial time for social development and learning important social skills. The puppies get socialized with close human family members at this point. We start working with touch extensively. We put them on their backs and ensure that they stay there happily and comfortably for pets and kisses. We pick them up, play with their paws, touch their faces, lightly pull on their ears and fur. All of these activities help to create trust between humans and puppies. They also learn to enjoy receiving attention.
We do this with each individual puppy to desensitize them to human touches! Also to show them kisses, hugs, and touches! All great things to prepare them for at this age.
At around 3 weeks, sheepadoodle puppies may start the process of being weaned from their mother’s milk. We have already begun to make their puppy mush! It consists of soaked puppy food, water, and puppy formula. We blend it up with a more watery consistency and they are learning to eat that way! We do that 3 times a day to supplement.
This video showcases their growth from Day 3 to Week 3. You could see bigger and more vibrant eyes, much longer fur, and their body shape is more developed.
Temperature Regulation
Sheepadoodle puppies are still not fully capable of regulating their body temperature, so they may rely on their mother and littermates for warmth. There’s always a heated pad in their sleeping area.
It’s important to note that individual puppies may develop at slightly different rates. Proper care, nutrition, and socialization during this early stage are crucial for their overall health and well-being. If you have specific concerns about a puppy’s growth or development, it’s recommended to consult with a veterinarian.

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