In this blog, we’re going to answer a few common questions regarding sheepadoodles. We will provide tips and tools to keep your sheepadoodles’ beautiful coat and how to maintain it.

This Shorts really encapsulates what it’s like having a sheepadoodle.
  1. Are sheepadoodles hypoallergenic?
  2. Are sheepadoodles high maintenance?

Sheepadoodles, a crossbreed between Old English Sheepdogs and Poodles, are often considered hypoallergenic. Poodles, which are one of the parent breeds, are known for their hypoallergenic coat.  Hypoallergenic breeds are those that produce fewer allergens, which are proteins found in the dog’s skin cells, urine, and saliva that can trigger allergic reactions in some people. Poodles have hair rather than fur, and they shed less dander, making them a better choice for individuals with allergies.

IF you have allergies, the best option is to get an F1B sheepadoodle where the sheepadoodle is 75% poodle and 25% Old English Sheepdog. This mix carries more of the poodle genes which might help with allergies. If you’re in the market for an F1B sheepadoodle, check out our available puppies.

It’s important to note that while Poodles are considered hypoallergenic, no dog breed is completely hypoallergenic, so it’s impossible to say that sheepadoodles are 100 % hypoallergenic.  Allergies can vary from person to person, and individual reactions may still occur.  Sheepadoodles are light shedding since it’s impossible for a breed to be non-shedding. They shed as how a human would shed hair. Some ways to help with allergies are:

  1. Regularly brushing your sheepadoodle using different types of brushes. Scroll down for a list of products that I use. 
  2. Regularly vacuum your house
  3. Wash them every 4-6 weeks.
  4. Don’t allow them on your furniture
  5. Keeping them short in the summer
  6. Visit the breeder and play with the puppy before committing to one.

To save time and money, I do everything by myself at home. It costs too much at the groomers now and also they spend at least 6 hours locked away at the salon. I prefer to groom them all at the comfort of our own home.

Are sheepadoodles high maintenance?

The simple answer is YES! They ARE high maintenance!

I’d consider sheepadoodles high maintenance. One sheepadoodle trait that makes them high maintenance is their coat care! They are known for their beautiful luxurious coat and if that’s how you want them to look, then you’ll have to invest time into brushing and maintaining that coat.

Sheepadoodles can have varying levels of maintenance depending on factors such as their coat type, size, and individual needs. 

Sheepadoodles hair types

Sheepadoodles can have different coat types, including wavy or curly. Those with curlier coats, similar to the Poodle parent, may require more grooming to prevent matting and tangling. Regular brushing and occasional professional grooming may be necessary. This is the big reason why they’re high maintenance.

These are the tools that I use to keep their hair fluffy and long. I usually try to brush 2-3 times a week, but not using the same tools. For example:

Brush 1: Use this de-shedding tool. This tool takes away some of the excess hair, the undercoat hair that will help prevent matting in the future. Link to this tool. Although this makes sheepadoodles high maintenance, but brushing regularly helps with allergies.

Brush 2: Brush with a Doodle brush which just has longer bristles. Brush thoroughly and be sure to brush the head, ears, tail, and paws. Long bristles can get into the skin area and that’s how you prevent mats.

Brush 3: Use a de-matting tool. This tool is to de-mat any spots that are matted. Doing one small section at a time will help. Their snout can get really matted because of trapped food, so don’t forget to brush their whole head! De-matting is necessary in tricky areas if you want them to stay fluffy! Another reason why they’re high maintenance.

This is a blow dryer I use which will save a lot of time. It’s a professional grade dryer for fluffy dogs. Using the regular human hair dryer will not be fast enough.

I would repeat this rotation daily. You can also you a comb to ensure that there are no mats. 

Thank you for reading our blog and we hope you’d join our Sheepadoodle Dynasty community! Although these sheepadoodles can be high maintenance, they’re so beautiful and I think they’d definitely make good pets for any home- young and elderly!

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